Why is My Frenchie Drooling So Much

This guide will discuss the potential causes of excessive drooling in French Bulldogs and how to manage it.

Why is My Frenchie Drooling So Much
Why is My Frenchie Drooling So Much

Excessive drooling in French Bulldogs can be a cause for concern, but it's essential to understand that it's a common trait in this breed due to their facial structure and genetic predisposition. However, if you've noticed a sudden increase in drooling, it may indicate underlying issues such as dental problems, overheating, excitement, nausea, or health conditions.

Monitoring the frequency and triggers of drooling is crucial in determining whether it's within the normal range. Implementing proper dental care, ensuring adequate hydration, and creating a comfortable environment can mitigate excessive drooling.

Seeking guidance from a veterinarian can provide tailored solutions for your Frenchie's well-being and comfort. This guide will discuss the potential causes of excessive drooling in French Bulldogs and how to manage it.

Why Do French Bulldogs Drool More Than Other Breeds?

The most apparent reason for French Bulldogs' excessive drooling is their facial structure. Their short and wide head, flat face, and prominent eyes create a perfect storm for saliva to collect in the folds around their mouth.

Additionally, they have loose lips that don't fully close over their jaw, further contributing to drooling. A dog's mouth is designed to allow the tongue to drink water and escape heat through panting.

Furthermore, Frenchies are known to be brachycephalic, meaning they have a shortened skull and compressed airways. This structure can lead to difficulty breathing, especially in warm weather, causing them to pant excessively, which results in more drooling.

French bulldog drooling is also more prominent in hot and humid climates. So drooling excessively is a way to manage heat and regulate their body temperature.

Normal vs. Excessive Drooling

It's essential to differentiate normal drooling from excessive drooling. French Bulldogs typically drool when they are drinking, eating, or exercising. They may also drool in anticipation of food or when they see someone they are fond of. These instances are considered normal and should not be a cause for concern.

However, if your Frenchie is drooling excessively without any apparent triggers and the saliva is thick and ropey, it could indicate an underlying issue that requires attention. Issue a simple test before consulting your veterinarian about drooling.

Press gently on your Frenchie's gums with a clean finger and release quickly; if the saliva pools or drips out of their mouth, this may indicate excessive drooling. French bulldogs drooling excessively may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as bad breath, discomfort, or changes in appetite.

Reasons Why Is My Frenchie Drooling So Much?

When it comes to excessive drooling, there can be several causes ranging from minor issues to severe health conditions. The most common reasons for French bulldog drooling excessively include:

Dental Problems:

Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from dental problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and tartar buildup.

These issues can cause pain and discomfort in your Frenchie's mouth, leading to excessive drooling. Dogs drool as a natural response to pain and inflammation in their mouth. It's essential to maintain proper dental hygiene for your Frenchie, including regular brushing and dental checkups.

French bulldog's teeth are also prone to overcrowding, which can lead to trapped food and bacteria, causing drooling and bad breath. Difficulty swallowing or chewing may also be a sign of dental problems. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's best to consult your vet immediately.


French Bulldogs are susceptible to overheating due to their brachycephalic structure.

When they are exposed to high temperatures without proper ventilation and hydration, they may pant excessively to cool down, leading to drooling.


French Bulldogs are known for their playful and energetic nature. During moments of excitement, whether it's playing with their favorite toy or seeing someone they love, they may drool as a natural reaction.

Dogs drool excessively when they are excited due to the increased activity in their salivary glands.

Brachycephalic structure:

As mentioned earlier, the structure of French Bulldogs can contribute to excessive drooling due to difficulty breathing and panting.

It's crucial to monitor your Frenchie closely in warmer weather and provide them with adequate ventilation and hydration. French bulldog drool may also increase during physical activity, such as running or playing.


If your Frenchie is feeling nauseous, it may lead to excessive drooling. This could be due to motion sickness, an upset stomach, or ingesting something that doesn't agree with them. If your dog has suddenly started drooling excessively and shows signs of nausea, such as vomiting or loss of appetite, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian.

Hot and humid climates:

As mentioned earlier, French bulldogs are more prone to drooling in hot and humid climates due to their need to regulate body temperature. Dog drooling excessively is a natural response to manage heat and keep their body at a comfortable temperature.

Health Conditions:

In some cases, excessive drooling in French Bulldogs can be a symptom of underlying health conditions such as oral tumors, respiratory infections, and neurological issues.

If it is possible that your dog ate something toxic such as chocolate, cocoa mulch, antifreeze, medications they will need to see a vet immediately.

These are just some of the reasons why your Frenchie may be drooling excessively.  If your dog's drooling and shaking are not from above reasons , it's extremely important to seek veterinary care right away.

Early detection and treatment of any underlying health conditions can ensure your Frenchie's well-being and prevent further complications.

How Can I Manage My Frenchie's Excessive Drooling?

If your Frenchie is drooling excessively, there are several ways to manage and reduce it. These include:

Proper Dental Care:

Regularly brushing your Frenchie's teeth and providing them with dental treats can help prevent dental problems that may cause excessive drooling. Foreign body ingestion can also be prevented by keeping an eye on what your Frenchie is chewing on and providing them with appropriate chew toys.

Proper Ventilation:

Providing adequate ventilation for your Frenchie, especially in hot and humid weather, can help regulate their body temperature and reduce excessive drooling.

Regular Grooming:

Regular grooming, including cleaning your Frenchie's face wrinkles and trimming hair around the mouth, can help prevent bacteria buildup that may cause drooling.

Proper Hydration:

Providing your Frenchie with plenty of clean drinking water is crucial in preventing dehydration and managing excessive drooling. With proper dog food and water intake, your Frenchie won't have to resort to drooling excessively to regulate their body temperature.

Consult Your Veterinarian:

If you notice any concerning changes in your Frenchie's drooling, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian.

They can rule out any underlying health conditions and provide appropriate treatment if necessary. Life-threatening causes of excessive drooling, such as heatstroke or foreign body ingestion, require immediate veterinary attention.

The Importance of Regular Checkups and Monitoring for Drooling Problems in Your French Bulldog

Regular checkups and monitoring are crucial in preventing and managing excessive drooling problems in your French Bulldog.

As a responsible pet owner, it's essential to maintain proper dental hygiene, provide adequate ventilation and hydration for your Frenchie, and seek veterinary care if you notice any concerning changes.

By keeping an eye on your Frenchie's health and behavior, you can ensure they live a happy and healthy life free from excessive drooling.

So, make sure to schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian and monitor your Frenchie's drooling to keep them in the best shape possible.


What are the home remedies for drooling?

Home remedies for drooling in French Bulldogs include proper dental care, providing adequate ventilation, regular grooming, and maintaining proper hydration. It's best to consult with a veterinarian before trying any home remedies.

How can I tell if my Frenchie is overheating?

Signs of overheating in French Bulldogs include excessive panting, drooling, red or pale gums, weakness, and collapse. If you suspect your Frenchie is overheating, provide them with cool water and seek immediate veterinary care if symptoms persist.

Is drooling a symptom of anything?

Drooling in French Bulldogs can be a symptom of various things, including excitement, hot and humid weather, health conditions, nausea, and foreign body ingestion. It's essential to monitor your Frenchie closely and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any concerning changes in their drooling.

Do Labradors drool?

Yes, Labradors are known to drool, especially after eating or drinking. However, they do not typically drool as excessively as French Bulldogs due to their different breed structures and tendencies. It's always best to monitor your Labrador's drooling and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any concerning changes.


In conclusion, while drooling is a common characteristic of French Bulldogs, an abrupt or excessive increase in drooling should prompt further observation and, if necessary, consultation with a veterinarian.

By closely monitoring your Frenchie's drooling patterns and considering environmental factors, you can better understand the potential causes behind this behavior.

Implementing regular dental care, ensuring proper hydration, and managing your Frenchie's exposure to heat and excitement can significantly impact their drooling tendencies.

Remember, each Frenchie is unique, so seeking professional guidance will help identify any underlying health issues and ensure your furry companion's well-being.

Ultimately, being attuned to your Frenchie's needs and patterns of behavior will aid in creating a comfortable and healthy environment for your beloved pet.