Why Does My Dog Sit On My Shoulder

Understanding why dogs exhibit this behavior is essential for fostering a deeper connection with our canine companions and ensuring their well-being.

Why Does My Dog Sit On My Shoulder
Why Does My Dog Sit On My Shoulder

Dogs sitting on shoulders can be both endearing and puzzling to their human companions. This behavior often sparks curiosity as dog owners seek to understand its underlying reasons.

Whether it's a small lap dog or a giant breed, perching on a person's shoulder can indicate a range of motivations, from seeking comfort and security to asserting dominance or merely displaying affection. Understanding why dogs exhibit this behavior is essential for fostering a deeper connection with our canine companions and ensuring their well-being.

Exploring these motivations can provide valuable insights into human-dog interaction's complex and fascinating dynamics. It also highlights the importance of paying attention to our dog's behaviors and needs, as they communicate through actions rather than words.

Understand Canine Behavior

Dogs are social animals, and their instincts and past experiences often drive their behaviors. As descendants of wolves, dogs have a pack mentality that influences how they interact with others, including humans.

This pack mindset can manifest in various ways, such as seeking physical contact through cuddling or sitting on shoulders.

Additionally, dogs may display some behaviors to assert dominance over their human companions. In the wild, wolves establish dominance through physical displays such as standing on hind legs or mounting other pack members.

While dogs have evolved from their wolf ancestors, some of these behaviors may still exist in domesticated dogs. Sitting on shoulders can be a way for dogs to claim a higher position and assert their authority over their human companions.

Why Does My Dog Sit On My Shoulder? Reasons

Now that we understand some potential motivations behind this behavior let's dive deeper into why your dog may choose to sit on your shoulder specifically. Dog climbs on shoulders may be a sign of affection and bonding. Here are some possible reasons why your dog may be doing this:

Comfort and Security:

Dogs are social animals who thrive on companionship and human interaction. When a dog sits on its owner's shoulder, it may be seeking physical closeness and reassurance.

This behavior is particularly common in puppies, who feel most secure and protected when snuggled up to their human caretakers. The shoulder is a warm and cozy spot that allows dogs to feel close to their owners while also having an optimal view of their surroundings.

Additionally, dogs may sit on shoulders when they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed in unfamiliar environments. By seeking the comfort of their owner's shoulder, they can alleviate stress and find a sense of security.

Separation anxiety can also be a factor in this behavior, as dogs may sit on their owner's shoulders when they feel anxious about being left alone. Dog's climbing on shoulders can be a sign that they need extra attention and reassurance during these times.

Asserting Dominance:

In some cases, a dog sitting on its owner's shoulder may be displaying dominant behavior. This is especially true for larger breeds that are physically capable of climbing onto shoulders.

By placing themselves in an elevated position, dogs can assert their dominance over humans and other animals. This act can also serve as a display of confidence and self-assurance.

It's essential to pay attention to other signs of dominance or aggression, such as growling or showing teeth, when a dog sits on your shoulder. In these cases, it may be necessary to assert your role as the pack leader and discourage this behavior through training and positive reinforcement.

Affection and attention-seeking:

Dogs thrive on human affection and attention, and sitting on shoulders can be a way for them to get just that. By being at eye level with their owners, dogs may feel they have a better chance of receiving love and affection.

This is often the case with smaller breeds who are not physically able to jump onto laps or climb onto furniture. Dog loves being close to their owners, and sitting on our shoulders can be a way for them to show their love and bond with us.

Moreover, dogs may sit on shoulders as a form of attention-seeking behavior when they feel neglected or bored. It's essential to provide our dogs with enough mental and physical stimulation to prevent them from seeking attention through undesirable behaviors. 

Pet owners can also set boundaries and teach their dogs appropriate ways to seek attention and affection. Showing affection and playing with our dogs on a daily basis can also help strengthen the bond between human and canine companions.


Another less common reason for a dog sitting on your shoulder may be that they are hungry. Since dogs often associate their owners with food and treats, sitting on shoulders can be a way for them to remind us of mealtime.

This behavior is more likely to occur if the owner has a habit of feeding their dog from their shoulder or while being held.

Dog Unaware About Personal Space:

Dogs may also sit on shoulders simply because they are unaware of personal space boundaries.

As puppies, dogs learn to interact with their littermates and mothers through physical contact, such as cuddling and sitting on top of each other. This behavior may carry over into adulthood, where they view their human companions as part of their pack and feel comfortable sitting on them.

It's crucial to teach dogs, especially larger breeds, about personal space and boundaries early on to prevent any potential issues as they grow older.

Dog Got Used to Climb:

Lastly, your dog may sit on your shoulder because it has learned that this behavior leads to positive outcomes.

If you have been reinforcing this behavior through treats or attention, your dog may continue to do so in hopes of getting a reward. It's essential to observe and discourage any unwanted behaviors through proper training techniques.

A Dog likes sitting on shoulders because it makes them feel comfortable and secure.

Whether it's for affection, attention-seeking, or asserting dominance, this behavior is a unique way for our canine friends to interact and bond with us. By knowing why your dog puts their paws on your shoulder, you can better understand and cater to their needs as a loving owner.

What Should I Do When My Dog Sits On My Shoulder?

If you enjoy your dog sitting on your shoulder and it doesn't pose any problems or risks, then there's no harm in allowing them to continue this behavior. However, if you find it uncomfortable or disruptive, here are some tips to discourage this behavior:

  • Redirect their attention: When your dog sits on your shoulder, gently redirect their attention to another activity or spot. For example, you can lure them down with a treat or ask them to sit on your lap instead.
  • Teach boundaries: As mentioned earlier, it's crucial to teach dogs about personal space and boundaries from an early age. You can train your dog to sit in designated spots rather than climbing onto your shoulder.
  • Consistent training: Consistency is key when it comes to training your dog. Be patient and consistent in reinforcing desired behaviors and discouraging unwanted ones. Dogs love to please their owners and will learn quickly with positive reinforcement methods.
  • Provide alternatives: If your dog sits on your shoulder for comfort or security, provide alternative options that can make them feel safe and secure. This can be a cozy bed or crate with familiar scents and toys.
  • Seek professional help: If your dog's behavior is causing problems or conflicts within the household, it may be necessary to seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or behaviorist. Many dogs can be trained to overcome unwanted behaviors with the right techniques and guidance.

Dog climbing on shoulders can be a cute and endearing, but it's essential to understand the reasons behind it and address any potential issues. We can create a strong bond with our canine companions with proper training and understanding while ensuring their safety and well-being.

Individual Personality and Breed Traits

It's essential to note that each dog has its unique personality, and breed traits can also play a role in certain behaviors. For example, small breeds such as Chihuahuas are known for their clingy nature and may be likelier to sit on shoulders for comfort or affection.

On the other hand, larger breeds, such as Great Danes, may climb onto shoulders to assert dominance. Knowing your dog's breed and personality can help you better understand their behavior and cater to their needs.

It's also crucial to remember that all dogs, regardless of breed, have the potential for aggressive or dominant behaviors and should be trained and treated with love and respect. Other dogs may simply not enjoy sitting on their shoulders, and respecting their boundaries and preferences is important.


How do you know a dog loves you?

Dogs show love in various ways, such as wagging their tail, cuddling, and sitting on shoulders. Pay attention to your dog's body language and behaviors to understand how they express their love for you. A dog climb acts are often a sign that they feel comfortable and safe with you.

Is it safe for a dog to sit on my shoulder?

In general, allowing a dog to sit on your shoulder is not harmful unless they are too heavy or causes discomfort. However, it's important to discourage this behavior if it becomes disruptive or poses any risks to you or your dog.

When a dog puts a paw on you?

A dog's paw on your shoulder or body can signify affection, seeking attention, or asserting dominance. Observe your dog's body language and context to determine why this behavior occurs. Remember to consistently train and communicate with your dog to maintain a healthy and loving relationship.

Do dogs like being hugged?

While some dogs enjoy hugs, others may find it uncomfortable or threatening. Respecting your dog's personal space and preferences and paying attention to their body language to ensure they are comfortable. However, many dogs appreciate physical affection, such as petting or cuddling with their owners.


Understanding why your dog sits on your shoulder can lead to a deeper appreciation of their behavior and strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

You gain valuable insights into your dog's needs and instincts by exploring the various motivations behind this behavior, such as seeking comfort, displaying affection, or asserting dominance. This understanding can guide you in providing your dog the right environment and support, ensuring their well-being and happiness.

Recognizing individual personality traits and breed-specific tendencies contributes to a more holistic comprehension of your dog's actions.

Whether it's a small act of seeking closeness or a display of their unique character, your dog's choice to perch on your shoulder adds an element of complexity and charm to the human-canine relationship, enriching the shared experiences and interactions.