Why Do Dogs Rub Against Furniture

So, why do dogs rub against furniture? Let's explore the various reasons behind this behavior in more detail.

Why Do Dogs Rub Against Furniture
Why Do Dogs Rub Against Furniture

Dogs, our beloved furry companions, often exhibit the curious behavior of rubbing against furniture. This seemingly quirky action stems from a blend of instinctual and social factors. When dogs engage in this behavior, they are partaking in scent marking, leaving behind their unique olfactory signature to communicate with other animals.

Moreover, rubbing against furniture can serve as a display of affection, as dogs seek contact with objects carrying the familiar scent of their human family members.

This behavior may also serve as a way for dogs to assert their territory or alleviate an itch or discomfort. Understanding these motivations offers valuable insights into the rich tapestry of canine behavior. So, why do dogs rub against furniture? Let's explore the various reasons behind this behavior in more detail.

Overview of Dog Behavior

To better understand why dogs rub against furniture, it's essential to have a basic understanding of their behavior. Dogs are social animals that rely heavily on scent to communicate with one another. They have glands in their body that secrete unique scents, and they use these scents to mark their territory and establish dominance.

Dogs rub against furniture to leave their scent on it, which can serve as a form of communication with other dogs who may come into contact with the same piece of furniture.

This behavior is often seen in outdoor and stray dogs, who use this method to mark their territory and communicate with other dogs. Body language, such as rubbing against furniture, is a crucial aspect of canine communication and serves as a way for dogs to establish their social ranks.

Why Do Dogs Rub Against Furniture?

Now that we have a basic understanding of dog behavior and the importance of scent marking let's delve into why dogs rub against furniture.

Scent Marking:

Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and use it to gather information about their surroundings.

By rubbing against furniture, they deposit pheromones from scent glands around their face, paws, and tails. These pheromones carry a unique scent that is specific to each dog, allowing them to leave their mark and communicate with other dogs.

Scent marking also allows dogs to establish their territory or claim ownership over an object. This behavior can be seen in male and female dogs, who seek to assert dominance and protect their resources.

Display of Affection:

Dogs are loyal and loving creatures, often seeking physical contact with their human family members.

When a dog rubs against furniture, they may be seeking the familiar scent of their owners or simply trying to get closer to them. This behavior is most commonly seen in puppies who may still have strong bonds with their littermates and mothers.

Relief from Itch or Discomfort:

In some cases, dogs may rub against furniture as a form of relief from an itch or discomfort. This can be due to allergies, skin irritation, or even ear infections. By rubbing against furniture, they may be trying to alleviate the discomfort or scratch an unreachable spot.

Skin issues can also cause changes in scent, which may prompt dogs to rub against furniture and re-mark their territory to ensure its familiarity. When you see your dog rub against the side of furniture, it may be a sign that they need to visit the vet for a check-up.

Irritated Infected Ears:

Another reason why dogs may rub against furniture is due to irritated or infected ears. Dogs with ear infections may experience discomfort and itchiness, which can lead them to rub their heads against objects such as furniture to relieve the irritation.

If you notice your dog constantly rubbing their head against furniture or shaking their head excessively, it's important to take them to the vet to rule out any ear infections. Ear cleaning and medication may be necessary to alleviate the discomfort and stop the behavior.

Eye Irritation:

Similarly, dogs with eye irritation or allergies may also rub their heads against furniture. The rubbing motion can help relieve the discomfort or itchiness in their eyes.

If you notice any redness, discharge, or excessive tearing in your dog's eyes, it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Eye infection can cause severe complications if left untreated.

Something on Its Face:

Dogs may rub against furniture simply because there is something on their face that they are trying to remove. This could be anything from a piece of food stuck in their fur to a foreign object. By rubbing against furniture, they may be attempting to dislodge the item and alleviate any discomfort.

It feel Good:

Lastly, some dogs may simply rub against furniture because it feels good to them. Like how we might rub our sore muscles against a wall or door frame, dogs may also engage in this behavior for physical pleasure.

These are just a few of the many reasons why dogs may rub against furniture. If all else fails, you should consult with a veterinary behaviorist.

Stop rubbing against furniture is generally not a concerning behavior, but if it becomes excessive or causes damage to your home, it's important to address it and find ways to redirect the behavior.

Additional Reasons for Rubbing Against Furniture

Here are a few more possible reasons why dogs may rub against furniture:

  • Expelling excess energy
  • Seeking attention or playtime
  • Trying to remove a collar or harness that's causing discomfort
  • Mimicking the behavior of other dogs in the household
  • Reinforcing their scent after being away from home for an extended period

Dog rubbing against furniture is a natural behavior that serves various purposes for our canine companions. It's important to observe and understand this behavior, as it can offer valuable insights into our dog's needs and motivations.

Preventing Excessive Rubbing Against Furniture

While rubbing against furniture is a natural behavior, excessive or destructive rubbing can be a sign of underlying issues such as anxiety or boredom. It's essential to address these underlying causes to prevent damage to furniture and potential harm to your dog.

Here are some tips for preventing excessive rubbing against furniture:

  • Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation through daily walks, playtime, and training sessions.
  • Make sure your dog has access to appropriate scratching posts or toys to alleviate any itching or discomfort.
  • Address any potential medical issues by consulting with a veterinarian.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques to discourage destructive rubbing behavior.

By understanding the reasons why dogs rub against furniture and taking steps to address any underlying issues, we can ensure that our furry friends live healthy, happy lives.

Why does My Dog Always Rub Herself all Over my Couch?

If your dog is constantly rubbing against your couch or other furniture, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Here are some possible reasons why your dog may be exhibiting this behavior:

  • Allergies: Just like humans, dogs can have allergies that cause them to itch and irritate their skin. If your dog is constantly rubbing against furniture, it could be a sign of an allergy to something in your home.
  • Anxiety: Dogs who feel anxious or stressed may engage in repetitive behaviors such as rubbing against furniture as a way to self-soothe. If you suspect your dog may have anxiety, consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist for advice on how to address this issue.
  • Boredom: Dogs who are left alone for long periods may engage in destructive behaviors such as rubbing against furniture out of boredom. Also, by doing this, they leave their own scent on the sofa, creating a safe environment.
  • Attention-seeking: If your dog seeks attention, they may rub against furniture to get you to interact with them. It's important to address this issue by providing proper attention and setting boundaries for appropriate behavior.
  • Medical issues: As mentioned previously, ear infections or skin irritations can cause dogs to rub against furniture. If you suspect your dog may have a medical issue, like hair loss, vomiting, or appetite changes, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

It's important to observe your dog's behavior and address any potential underlying issues to prevent excessive rubbing against furniture. As pet owners, it's our responsibility to ensure that our furry companions are happy and healthy. 

Simple Ways to Protect Furniture From Your Dogs:

If you have a dog that likes to rub against furniture, here are a few simple ways to protect your furniture and discourage this behavior:

  • Place blankets or towels on furniture that your dog likes to rub against. This will create a barrier between their fur and the furniture.
  • Use pet-safe deterrent sprays on areas where your dog tends to rub. These sprays emit scents that dogs find unpleasant, discouraging them from rubbing on those surfaces.
  • Train your dog to use designated scratching posts or toys instead of furniture. This will redirect their behavior and protect your furniture from damage.
  • Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation for your dog to prevent boredom and anxiety-related behaviors.

By taking these simple preventive measures, you can protect your furniture while ensuring your dog's needs are met. 


Why do dogs rub their bums on furniture? 

Dogs may rub their bums on furniture for a variety of reasons, including trying to alleviate discomfort or itchiness, marking their scent, or seeking attention. Consult with a veterinarian if this behavior becomes excessive.

Does rubbing against furniture mean my dog has allergies? 

Not necessarily. While allergies can cause dogs to rub against furniture, other possible reasons exist, such as seeking attention or trying to remove something from their fur. Consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are the signs your dog has worms? 

Signs that your dog may have worms include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, or visible worms in their stool. If you suspect your dog may have worms, consult with a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Can anxiety cause my dog to rub against furniture? 

Yes, dogs who feel anxious or stressed may engage in behaviors such as rubbing against furniture as a way to self-soothe. Consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist for advice on how to address this issue.


In conclusion, dogs rubbing against furniture is a multifaceted display of their innate instincts and social inclinations.

Dogs communicate with other animals by engaging in scent marking through this action, leaving behind their unique olfactory signature. Moreover, rubbing against furniture can demonstrate affection, as dogs seek contact with objects carrying the familiar scent of their human family members. 

Additionally, this behavior may serve as a means for dogs to assert their territory or alleviate discomfort. Understanding these motivations enriches our perception of canine behavior and strengthens the profound bond between humans and their canine companions.