Why Does My Dog Lick My Pillow

So, let's delve into the reasons why your dog may lick your pillow and what it means for their well-being.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Pillow
Why do dogs lick owners pillows?

Have you ever pondered the peculiar behavior of your furry companion as they diligently lick your pillow?

This seemingly innocent yet enigmatic conduct can be traced back to many factors deeply rooted in your dog's instincts and habits.

From expressing affection and seeking comfort to marking territory and satisfying grooming instincts, licking your pillow unveils a fascinating insight into the complex world of canine behavior.

Understanding the underlying motivations behind this behavior strengthens the bond between you and your dog and sheds light on the subtle ways in which they communicate and navigate their surroundings. So, let's delve into why your dog may lick your pillow and what it means for their well-being.

Is it Common for Dogs to Lick Pillows?

Before diving into why your dog may lick your pillow, it's essential to establish whether this behavior is typical among dogs.

The answer is yes; it is relatively common for dogs to lick pillows, especially ones that belong to their owners.

Licking your pillow is a natural behavior for dogs as they use their tongues as an instrument to communicate and explore the world around them. Dog licking is a multifaceted behavior that can manifest in different forms and has various underlying causes.

Dogs naturally explore and interact with their surroundings through their senses, including taste and smell.

Therefore, it's not unusual for them to lick objects, including pillows, to gather information about their environment. Dogs lick our pillows out of curiosity and to understand our scent, which they see as an extension of their pack. A dog licks a pillow to understand more about the people they love and trust.

For example, dead skin cells are a significant scent source for dogs, and pillows can accumulate these cells over time. So, your dog likes the salty taste of the pillow; dogs tend to love things that taste salty.

Reasons Why My Dog Lick My Pillow

Expressing Affection

Dogs are known to be highly affectionate animals that form strong bonds with their owners. Licking is one way they show love and affection to their human companions. By licking your pillow, they transfer the same love and care for you onto your belongings.

This behavior is also linked to a dog's instinctual habit of grooming their pack members as a sign of trust and respect.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs are social animals and can experience separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods. Your dog may lick your pillow to comfort themselves in your absence. The scent of their favorite human gives them a sense of security and helps alleviate the stress caused by separation.

Dogs lick pillows for their owner's scent because it can help calm them down when they feel anxious or stressed. This way, a dog-licking pillow becomes a self-soothing mechanism for dogs.

Marking Territory

Dogs have an innate need to establish and maintain their territory. By licking your pillow, they are claiming it as their own and marking it with their scent.

This behavior can also be a way for them to communicate to other dogs that this space belongs to them. Dog's diet, water intake, and general health condition can also affect the smell of their saliva, which further reinforces this territorial behavior.

Compensating For A Change Of Diet

A sudden change in your dog's diet can cause them to lick or chew on objects, including pillows.

This behavior is a form of self-soothing and serves as a way for them to compensate for the unfamiliar taste in their mouths.

Dogs smell their owner's pillows to calm down after eating something that doesn't agree with their taste buds. Most dogs love routine, and a change in their diet can be unsettling for them.

Grooming Instincts

Dogs are known to groom themselves and others as a part of their routine. This behavior is part of their instinct to keep themselves clean and parasite-free.

By licking your pillow, they are essentially grooming it to remove any foreign objects or scents that may have accumulated on the surface. Dog's licking pillows may also stem from their instinct to keep their sleeping area clean and free from threats.

Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

In some cases, dog licking can be a sign of obsessive-compulsive behavior. Dogs may develop this condition due to boredom, stress, or underlying medical issues.

If you notice your dog excessively licking your pillow, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any potential health concerns. Stress dogs may lick pillows as a coping mechanism, but this behavior can be managed with proper training and engagement.

Dog owners should always pay attention to their dog's behavior and try to understand the underlying reasons for their actions. Doing so can build a stronger bond with furry friends and provide them with a safe and comfortable environment where they can thrive.

What Can I Do To Stop My Dog From Licking My Pillow?

While dog licking can be a natural and harmless behavior, it can become problematic if done excessively or cause damage to your belongings. To address this, limit your dog's access to your pillows, especially when you're not around to supervise.

Here are a few ways you can discourage your dog from licking your pillow:

  • Please provide them with appropriate chew toys and bones to redirect their attention.
  • Train them with the "leave it" command to stop unwanted behaviors such as excessive licking.
  • Ensure your dog gets enough physical and mental stimulation to prevent boredom.
  • Consult a professional trainer or veterinarian if you suspect your dog's licking behavior is linked to underlying medical issues or anxiety.

You can successfully curb this behavior with a stable and constant routine to stop licking and plenty of love and attention. Remember, dogs lick things as a natural part of their behavior, and it's up to us as owners to guide them toward appropriate behaviors.

Is It Harmful For Dogs To Lick Pillows?

As long as your dog isn't consuming large amounts of fabric or other harmful materials, licking a pillow is not inherently dangerous for them. However, if your dog is obsessively licking or chewing on pillows, addressing the behavior and ensuring their safety is essential.

Some fabrics and materials can also be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. Hence, monitoring their behavior and providing safe alternatives for chewing and licking is essential. Consulting with a veterinarian can provide valuable insights and guidance in addressing this behavior.

But why does your pillow taste so good for your pup?

Dogs have a stronger sense of smell than humans and are attracted to the scents and pheromones we unknowingly leave on our belongings.

Additionally, the texture and taste of pillows can provide an enjoyable sensory experience for dogs, making them want to lick and chew on them. Dog owners must regularly wash their bedding and pillows to prevent any potential health hazards and discourage this behavior.

Why does my dog lick my face?

Dogs lick their owners to show affection or show respect. When dogs lick your face, they display their love and trust for you as their pack leader. Dogs may also lick their owner's faces to groom them or taste the salty sweat on their skin.

As long as your dog is not exhibiting any signs of distress or obsessive behavior, facial licking can be seen as a positive behavior from your furry friend. Remember to constantly reinforce positive behaviors with praise and appropriate rewards to strengthen your bond with your dog.


Why do dogs lick their owner's pillows?

Dogs lick their owner's pillows to establish territory, compensate for a change in diet, satisfy grooming instincts, and as a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety.

Why does my dog lick my bed sheets so much?

Your dog may be attracted to the scent and texture of your bed sheets or practicing self-soothing due to stress or boredom. It's essential to address this behavior early on and provide them with proper outlets for their licking instincts.

Why do dogs like belly rubs?

Dogs enjoy belly rubs as a form of affection and bonding with their owners. Exposing their stomachs is a sign of submission and trust in dogs, making it a vulnerable yet enjoyable experience for them.


In conclusion, a dog licking your pillow encompasses a spectrum of compelling motivations, from seeking comfort and expressing affection to marking territory and satisfying grooming instincts. This behavior offers a fascinating glimpse into the intricate world of canine communication and instinctual drives.

Understanding the reasons behind this conduct deepens the bond between you and your dog and provides valuable insights into their emotional and environmental needs.

As we continue to unravel the enigma of our furry companions' behaviors, we embark on a journey of empathy, connection, and mutual understanding, enriching the unique relationship between humans and their loyal canine counterparts.